What we feed our bodies feeds our eyes.

Many of the vitamins and minerals in our bodies are found in much higher concentrations in our eyes, so a diet lacking in these vitamins and minerals can lead to vision problems as we grow older.

Take the time every day to give your eyes (and the rest of your body) the nutritive support they need.

Eat the foods and take the supplements that provide the antioxidant vitamins and minerals your eyes require.

You’ll Protect Your Eyesight, ensuring years of good eye health, and increasing the odds that you’ll avoid blindness or vision loss for the rest of your life.

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Table of Contents

Why Does My Vision Get Worse at Night?

If you need a nightlight to find your way to the kitchen for a midnight snack, or have difficulty seeing while driving in the evening, you may be suffering from a condition known as night blindness.

People with night blindness see poorly in darkness or dim light but normally when adequate amounts of light are present. The condition is not the nighttime equivalent of true blindness-nonetheless, those who have it know how limiting its effects can be.

Seeing in the dark

It is estimated that most individuals take about 20 minutes to see adequately in the dark. This time allows your eyes to adjust from the brightness of daylight or indoor lights. As the light dims, your pupils dilate (grow larger) to take in more light.

Eye of the Tiger

Human beings are not like tigers, or house cats for that matter, whose eyes are superbly well adapted to seeing in the dark. One reason is that cats have more rods than cones in their retinas, unlike humans, making kitty night and motion vision superior. (Rods are the receptors that the eye uses for nighttime viewing and sudden movement. Cones are used during the daytime and process color information.)

Causes of night blindness

One of the most common causes of night blindness is deterioration due to age. In the natural aging process, the eye lens becomes less clear and grows cloudy over time, making it difficult to see in dim light.

Another general cause is uncorrected myopia, or nearsightedness. Even with vision correction, nearsighted people may find their nearsightedness is exacerbated when their pupils dilate at night.

A feast for the eyes

Night blindness may also be caused by a Vitamin A deficiency. Supplements of that vitamin are often recommended for those with poor night vision, along with a diet emphasizing Vitamin A-rich foods, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, spinach and cantaloupe.

Bilberry is also thought to improve night vision. A close relative of the blueberry, bilberry is high in a certain type of bioflavonoid that speeds the regeneration of rhodopsin, the purple pigment used by the eyes' rods. British air force pilots in World War II ate bilberry jam to improve their night vision during evening sorties.

Protect Your eyes, Your Eyes will thank you.

Vision Tip of the Month: Night Blindness Tips

1. Choose glasses with an anti-reflective coating to reduce glare.

2. Keep glasses-including sunglasses-clean. Having dirt on the inside or outside of your lenses can disturb the filtering of light and scatter it, making it more difficult to see and increasing an already existing vision problem.

3. Keep your car windshield and car windows clean-inside and out. Having dirt and debris on your windshield makes it harder to see, especially at night.

4. While driving at night, avoid looking at oncoming car lights head-on; instead, try to look to the side of the lights in order to minimize glare. If your night vision is really poor, you may want to avoid driving at night altogether

Vision Facts of the Month

*Other Names For Night Blindness:
1. Nyctanopia
2. Nyctalopia

*Night Blindness affects up to 100,000 Americans

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Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.
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Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts. Click Here To Learn More.

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