What we feed our bodies feeds our eyes.
Many of the vitamins and minerals in our bodies are found in much higher concentrations in our eyes, so a diet lacking in these vitamins and minerals can lead to vision problems as we grow older.
Take the time every day to give your eyes (and the rest of your body) the nutritive support they need.
Eat the foods and take the supplements that provide the antioxidant vitamins and minerals your eyes require.
You’ll Protect Your Eyesight, ensuring years of good eye health, and increasing the odds that you’ll avoid blindness or vision loss for the rest of your life.
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Table of Contents
February - Snow Blindness
This is one of the dreariest months of the year, there's no doubt about it. Winter has been around for months now and if you're anything like me you can't wait for springtime! Anybody who lives north of Georgia is also probably still dealing with a lot of snow this time of year, so it seems like a good idea to talk about photokeratitis. or snow blindness.
Snow blindness is a type of sunburn on the Cornea, believe it or not, and happens when too much UV light enters the eyes. Most of the time this occurs when sunlight is reflected off of something bright, such as a thick blanket of white snow on a sunny day.
Like most sunburns, the problem with photokeratitis is that you don't notice it until after the damage is done. Think about the last time you were at the beach. You spent an hour or two out in the sun, but it wasn't until later that evening that you really started to notice the redness and pain of the sunburn. Sun blindness creeps up on you the same way. Most people report lots of pain in their eyes and increased tear production, and some people even equate the feeling to that of having sand poured in their eyes.
Thankfully, this isn't a permanent condition, although if you have extreme exposure it could leave some scarring, again like a regular sunburn. Most of the time that only happens with intense bursts of light though, like for example the light from an arc welder if you forget to wear a welder's mask. Either way, Sunglasses are a great tool for protecting your eyes from the glare of the snow. Make sure they're polarized for maximum protection.
If you happened to spend too much time outside and ended up getting sunburned on your eyes, the best treatment is to see an eye doctor right away. It's nearly impossible to gauge the extent of the damage just by looking at the eyes, so it's a good idea to have a specialist go in and see how serious it is. Most likely he'll give you some anesthetic eye drops for the pain and the condition will clear up naturally within 3 or 4 days. If the pain is really bad you may be prescribed some pain medication.
Until it heals, you should avoid excess light and irritation as much as possible. Keep the lights in your home dimmed or off completely, wear sunglasses outdoors, and try to avoid rubbing them (they might itch).
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