Allergy Eye Home Remedy Information
You might want to look into an all natural
allergy eye home remedy instead of scheduling a doctor's appointment next time you have the symptoms of an
Eye Allergy. Most home remedies have been around for centuries, passed down from generation to generation as the years go by. Did your grandmother ever have a special remedy when you had a cough, or scraped your knee?
One of the major advantages of most home remedies is that they come with markedly few side effects, and most are made from completely natural ingredients, so there's really no harm in trying. If you have a serious disease, you shouldn't attempt to stop any medication or use a home remedy instead of going to the doctor, but it doesn't hurt to discuss the possibility with your physician to get his opinion.
Finding an allergy eye home remedy is a useful option for people who suffer from Eye Allergies on a daily basis. Rather than paying for a medical bill each time your eyes start to water a little bit, consider some of these helpful home remedies to get you through the worst of hay fever season.
A simple saline solution might be the easiest way to get rid of the worst Allergy Eye Symptoms. To make a saline solution, just mix about a teaspoon of salt (sea salt is best) with half a cup of warm water. You can add a little bit of baking soda as well for maximum effect.
Just a pinch is enough. Mix all the ingredients until they're completely dissolved and pour the mixture into a nasal spray bottle. Give a little squirt up each nostril a few times a day to relieve some of the worst symptoms of congestion and watery eyes. Bend your head backwards while you're doing this so the solution has a chance to run through all of your nasal cavities. Most of it will probably run down your throat or into your mouth, but that's perfectly fine.
Another allergy eye home remedy that you can use to Protect Your Eyesight during allergy season is a simple cup of hot peppermint tea. While peppermint is most known for its calming effects, it also contains strong antibacterial and decongestant properties, which will block out many of the irritants that are causing your Eye Allergy Symptoms in the first place. You can buy bags of peppermint tea at your local grocery store. To make the tea, just boil some water, and then allow it to cool until it's no longer boiling. Add the peppermint tea bag and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Remove the tea bag and drink. Careful – it might be hot!
Finally, you can try a face steam bath. Just boil a few cups of water and hold your head over it with a towel over the back of your head to keep in the steam. This will clear out your sinuses and relieve all but the very worst eye irritants from the outside of your face, providing instant relief.
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Allergy Eye Home Remedy Allergy Eye Symptoms
Allergy Eye Home Remedy to Protect Your Eyesight