Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Information

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If you're thinking about getting cosmetic eyelid surgery, it's vitally important to understand all the risks involved. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that seeks to correct sagging skin under and above the eyes. Skin like this is a common occurrence that happens with age, so it makes sense that people might want to get rid of it to rejuvenate their face and make them appear younger and healthier.

Despite the inherent surface benefits of getting cosmetic eyelid surgery, it's still a surgery and as such there are some risks and drawbacks that you might have to deal with. The first risk isn't really a health risk so much as the possibility that your expectations might not be met. A lot of people go into surgery with the belief that it's going to completely transform their face, but the truth is that cosmetic eyelid surgery actually corrects just a tiny portion of your face. It won't provide any dramatic results, but it will add a hint of tighter skin to the areas around the eyes.

Of course, there are plenty of physical risks as well. Infection is a concern when it comes to any type of surgery, and eyelid surgery is absolutely no different. A lot of people get infections because they don't take their antibiotics (which should be prescribed right after the surgery) for as long as the doctor tells them to.

In fact, it's important to follow all of the directives that your doctor gives you during and after your surgery if you want to be as safe as possible. The recovery time is especially important because it gives your eyelids a chance to heal, allowing the surgery to fully take effect. During your recovery time, you should plan to spend at least ten days out of action, sometimes even more. This means that you should plan to take work off. A lot of people who undergo cosmetic eyelid surgery don't have a schedule that allows them to take time off from work, and as a result they put their eyelids under constant stress and greatly delay the healing time.

Sleeping is a concern as well. If you sleep normally, with you're head at roughly the same height as your body or slightly elevated on one pillow, you run the risk of swelling and possibly bleeding. It's important to sleep with your head as elevated as possible to expedite the healing process. You can either stack three or four pillows underneath you or you could look into getting a foam wedge that's specifically used for situations like this.

If you're having trouble sleeping, or if you have a tendency to scratch at your face while you sleep, your doctor might give you a special facemask that will keep your eyes protected during the night. All of these precautions are put in place to protect your eyesight and allow your eyelids to recover from the surgery as fast as possible. It's important that you follow all of them correctly.

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