Heavy Alcohol Consumption

We know that heavy alcohol consumption contributes to heart failure, liver failure, and many other illnesses. And we keep hearing news stories about how moderate consumption of alcohol can actually help our cardiovascular system, and, thus, our eyes.

But how do we determine when moderate becomes heavy consumption?

Heavy alcohol consumption has direct and indirect effects on your vision.

  • It affects your liver, which converts    beta-carotene into Vitamin A. This vitamin    is an essential part of good vision.

  • Alcoholics don’t eat well and become    malnourished. They don’t eat balanced    diets. And most of the nutrients in the    foods they do eat are destroyed by the    chemical imbalances in their bodies.

  • Intoxication also creates short-term    problems, including night blindness,    double vision, and accommodation    paralysis (the inability of your eyes to    bring both near and far images into    focus).

  • Heavy alcohol consumption is often a way of avoiding personal problems. Attending meetings with Alcoholics Anonymous or seeing a therapist can help you cope with these problems in a more effective manner, and lower your need to drink heavily.

    If you don’t want to give up drinking completely, consider one glass of wine daily. Red wine has a lot of antioxidants, and has been shown to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration by a considerable amount.