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Hyperopia also known as "farsightedness" or "long-sightedness" is caused when the Cornea is too flat or the eye is too short. This along with Myopia, which is also known, as Nearsightedness or short sightedness and Astigmatism are all eye conditions called refractive error. Hyperopia is a refractive error that causes up close objects to appear Blurry. Typically, the images you see will be Blurred more in one direction than another. For example, horizontal images may be more out of focus than are vertical or diagonal images. A Refractive Error happens when your cornea or lens isn’t evenly or smoothly curved or when the cornea is curved more steeply in one direction than in another. Although the symptoms of Presbyopia are similar, their causes are actually quite different
With this condition, the eye is too short from front to back, causing light to be focused behind the eye rather than on The Retina. Hyperopia is usually present from birth, whereas Presbyopia comes on later in life. When checking for Hyperopia or confirming a diagnosis, it is useful to consider what other medical conditions might be possible misdiagnoses or other alternative conditions relevant to diagnosis. Although you can't prevent Hyperopia or farsightedness , you can help Protect Your Eyesight and your vision by following these steps:
Laser Eye Surgery options include Photorefractive Keratectomy or PKR which uses laser beams to change the cornea's shape. LASIK surgery involves making small incisions on the sides of cornea using laser beams. On the whole, laser eye surgery can do a nice job in rectifying this condition myopia and astigmatism. However, these problems should never be too serious- there should be a certain range. People who are in need of reading glasses can not completely cure their problem via surgery. But they can still benefit a bit from it. Or they can also choose to rectify Myopia in one eye and Hyperopia in another eye. This is called Mono Lasik. This sounds strange and weird, but it works I did it. Of course, this method is also only suitable for certain people. In addition, these people can also have their problems resolved by implanting lens. This method works nicely. Of course, all information should be well consulted before getting this done. All in all, laser surgery is one of the safest and most effective ways for vision correction. It is the best alternatives for people who do not want to wear glasses or Contact Lenses. However, some people still need to wear vision aiding devices even after the surgery. But most people have regained 20 20 Vision.
Non Surgical treatment options include corrective eyeglasses
or Contact Lenses
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