Irregular Astigmatism Information

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There are two types of astigmatism; these two are called regular and Irregular Astigmatism.

To understand the difference between the two, we must first understand what Astigmatism is and how it affects people the way it does.

Normally, the Cornea is a smooth sphere at the very front of the eye. The cornea typically refracts light and it helps with about 2/3s of the eye's optical power. Despite it being the strongest part of the eye and greatly helps you to focus, the cornea's focus can not be changed or adjusted. The curvature is what helps adjust and set the focus point depending on the object's distance.

People who have Regular Astigmatism have a somewhat uneven cornea and an abnormal curvature. This means that when the eye tries to process any incoming light, the light enters into the eye at a stepper angle than 'normal' eyes.

To put it simply, the eye gets confused as to where the real image is. In a normal eye, the eye is able to focus on one direct light source and can easily pin point the object's distance, depth, and width.

People who have irregular astigmatism have an extremely uneven or bumpy cornea. This means that when the light enters the eye, it comes in multiple light sources. As there are many incoming sources of light, the eye does not know which one to process first.

Typically a corneal scar of some kind or a scattering in the crystalline lens often causes this. This is harder to correct as normal Prescription Glasses can not help those with this astigmatism.

In order to Protect Your Eyesight in this case, you must either use a Toric Lenses for Astigmatism or get Laser Eye Surgery.

People who have this have a hard time focusing on objects that are both far and near. Often time’s one eye is better than the other and if the person closes one of their eyes, they can temporarily see much better.

When the cornea is extremely abnormal in shape, the victim will start to see multiple images of the same object. This can cause Double Vision or even triple vision to just one of their eyes. Common symptoms are nausea, balance issues, headaches and even migraines.

Irregular astigmatism is not considered a disease, but actually a refractive error. This means that this condition can be cured by contact lenses and surgery. There are a lot of possibilities to consider as to why astigmatism is caused.

Some people are just born with this Eyesight Disorder due to genetic factors or simply develop it later in life because they have had an Eye Infection or a serious injury.

In some rare cases, surgery to fix any regular astigmatism or another eye condition can also develop irregular astigmatism due to the laser accidentally damaging the surface of the eye.

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Irregular Astigmatism to Astigmatism Information

Irregular Astigmatism to Protect Your Eyesight

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