Nearsighted Vision

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Nearsightedness, or Nearsighted Vision, causes a person to have trouble focusing on objects that are far away.

Medically known as Myopia also known as “nearsightedness” or “short sightedness”, is caused by a defect in the Retina that causes a refraction of incoming light, distorting the picture and making you have Blurry Visionblurry.

This is one of the most common reasons that people are prescribed eyeglasses or Contact Lenses.

Even though most Eye Care Professionasl or Eye Care Specialists choose to prescribe glasses for nearsighted vision, it can also be fixed through a process known as refractive surgery.

This isn't always the first line of action simply because there is a lot of expense involved and there can be side effects associated with the procedure. If the patient chooses to opt for corrective lenses, the glass of the lenses is in a concave shape (like the inside of a spoon), which gives it a negative optic power.

Just as with most eye conditions, there are multiple different forms of myopia, and your doctor will need to give you a thorough examination to determine which specific type you have.

Genetic factors can play a role as well – nearsighted vision often occurs with multiple family members. If anybody else in your family has myopia, you should take preventative steps to Protect Your Eyesight as much as possible. If you don't you will have a greater chance of getting myopia yourself.

Simple myopia is one of the most common types of nearsightedness. It occurs when the cornea is more curved than it should be, and can also happen if the eye is longer than it's supposed to be, and its optical power is unable to compensate for the extra length.

When light enters the eye then, it's refracted in such a way that creates a Blured Vision effect around objects.

Degenerative myopia is also an extremely common type of nearsighted vision. It's a condition that progressively gets worse over a period of time. Even Prescription Glasses won't necessarily stop the degenerative process from occurring.

Some doctors even think that glasses actually make Vision Problems worse over time, as they act as a sort of crutch for the eye. Eyesight Exercises can be a great way to protect your vision from age related issues.

Nocturnal myopia is a condition that only affects people at night or in similar low light conditions. Their eyes may be able to see perfectly in the daytime, but objects will have less clarity at night.

Most researchers think that this is caused when the pupils dilate at night to allow more light to enter. This causes changes that can worsen the condition over time. Doctors will prescribe a separate set of glasses for people with nocturnal myopia – one pair for the day and a stronger pair for nighttime.

Nearsightedness can occur at any time in life, and there are separate classifications for the age in which it appears.

Individuals who are born with the condition are considered to have congenital myopia, and youth onset myopia occurs in teenagers less than 20 years old.

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Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.
Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

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