Scotomas Information
Scotomas are spots in the eye that have lessened visual ability, even though areas around the scotoma may be able to see perfectly well.
They are commonly referred to as blind spots. These are caused by a disruption or degeneration in The Retina, which is sort of like a skin or film that runs along the inside of the eye.
It connects the signals that come through the pupil with the nerves that run back to the brain, and is extremely important for eyesight. The Retina works like a map of the field of vision, and therefore when there is a part of the retina where the nerves are not working properly, the eyesight that corresponds to that area stops working as well. That's how you can get a random blind spot right in the middle of your field of vision.
Most of the time, unless it's a massive blind spot or there are multiple Scotomas clustered in the same area, the degeneration of the eyesight in that particular area can be completely unnoticeable. The field of vision in the other eye will usually overlap that area and correct for any Loss of Vision.
Because of this, it sometimes takes awhile before you notice that you have any blind spot at all. Nothing will look out of the ordinary from the outside either.
This can be caused by a huge variety of conditions; sometimes it's an infection that left a scar on the retina, sometimes it's a problem that occurred during infancy, sometimes different diseases and Problems with Eyesight can cause it. They can affect the field of vision in any area and can be too small to notice or they can take up half of your eyesight.
If you want to Protect Your Eyesight so that it lasts well into your senior years, you should schedule regular visits to your Eye Care Professional or Eye Care Specialist to check for problems like this. They can pop up any time, and often have varying symptoms.
For example, people who are affected by Central Scotomas might have some difficulty discerning colors or vivid details. Facial recognition becomes a bit hard if the person is standing directly in front of them, which can be both confusing and entertaining.
This often arises in reading problems as well, and people with this might easily develop a habit of looking at things from the corners of their eyes rather than full frontal.
Peripheral Scotomas affect a person's peripheral vision, and may cover it up altogether. These people will have no problem at all seeing directly in front of them, but anything that comes at them from the side will go completely unnoticed.
One of the things that these people often do is bump into furniture while they are walking. They can see it until it reaches a certain point beside them and then they no longer have any idea how close it is.
This condition is not life threatening, but an eye professional should check them out so that you know they aren't a symptom of another, more dangerous, underlying cause.
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Scotomas to other Eye Conditions
Scotomas to Protect Your Eyesight