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EyeSight Vision Care
December 10, 2012

What we feed our bodies feeds our eyes.

Many of the vitamins and minerals in our bodies are found in much higher concentrations in our eyes, so a diet lacking in these vitamins and minerals can lead to vision problems as we grow older.

Take the time every day to give your eyes (and the rest of your body) the nutritive support they need.

Eat the foods and take the supplements that provide the antioxidant vitamins and minerals your eyes require.

You’ll Protect Your Eyesight, ensuring years of good eye health, and increasing the odds that you’ll avoid blindness or vision loss for the rest of your life.

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Do You Have a Vision Story That You Can Share?

I need your help.

I have a page on this website that is for my readers to tell their Eyesight story. My hope was to have people tell their story so it might help someone else with the same problem or experience.

But lately there has not been any activity on this page. Could you please look at this page and contribute someone if you can.

Thank You

Do You Have a Story That Could help Someone Else? Click Here

Table of Contents

December - Give Your Family a Present They Can Use

The holidays are a great time to spend with family and friends, forgetting about the worries of work and life for a little while and just living in the moment. For a holiday present that you family will really appreciate, get everyone an Eye Care Exam with your family eye doctor. Many people go years without getting their eyes checked, and Eye Diseases can slowly build with no visible symptoms until they're already well developed.

Eyesight is one of our most important senses. We depend on this sense a lot more than we might sometimes think. If you don't believe me, try spending an hour blindfolded and see how hard it is to get around, even in your own house. What would happen if you were suddenly stricken blind? This doesn't happen very often, but progressive diseases can slowly impair your vision over the course of years until there's nothing left but a few blurry shapes. Protecting your eyesight should be one of your top priorities, for both you and the rest of your family.

In August we talked about how children often suffer in school because of unnoticed vision problems. Well, adults are often the same case. Tension headaches at work from reading paperwork for too long, dry, tired eyes at the end of the day, all of these can be the result of focusing issues that strain your eyes more than necessary. Most eye conditions; including Myopia also known as “nearsightedness” or “short sightedness”, Hyperopia also known as "farsightedness" or "long sightedness", and age related Macular Degeneration stem quite a bit from eye strain. The harder your eyes have to work, the faster they break down.

A short vision exam may be all that you need to pinpoint a problem, allowing your eye doctor to come up with a solution.

How long have you been wearing the same prescription? Eyes rarely maintain the same strength for more than a few years, and looking at the world through an outdated prescription can do more harm than good. At that point it's probably better to stop wearing them completely. Your husband or wife will likely appreciate the gesture as well.

When this month ends we'll be heading into 2013, a new year, and the perfect time for change. Make an effort this year to pay attention to your eyesight so that it lasts you well into your senior years. There's no reason to let something like Vision Problems slip out of control, especially when it's so easy to get out to an eye doctor and make a change.

Remember nothing beats a healthy diet with the right balance of Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to preventing an Eyesight Problem.

Your eyes will thank you!

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular
Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.
Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

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