Allergy Eye Medicine Information

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The most common allergy eye medicine comes in the form of antihistamine eye drops. These can be purchased either from a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription or over the counter at your local drug store. Allergies affect millions of people each year, and unfortunately if you're predisposed to airborne allergens there's little that you can do to stop it from happening when allergy season rolls around each time.

Among all of the Eye Allergy Symptoms, the effects on the eyes are typically the most irritating. You might experience red, itchy eyes that water constantly. This has a negative effect on your appearance, and at the very least you'll probably get tired of constantly wiping away tears. Eye Allergies are usually caused by pollen, which is the microscopic seeds put off by flowers during the spring and summer months. They spread out their pollen so that it has a chance to fertilize nearby female plants, and unfortunately for us the only way for the pollen to travel is through the air. When you walk through pollen, you can breathe in millions of these microscopic cells with each breath, and that in turn causes allergies.

Most of the Allergy Eye Symptoms are fairly common: you will probably experience watery eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, a runny nose, irritated throat, sneezing, and plenty of nasal congestion. You might feel a little more sluggish than normal, since your body is pulling energy to fight off these miniscule foreign invaders.

Of course, these describe pollen allergies more than anything else. There are a lot of different allergies that can cause a wide variety of different Allergy Eye Symptom, from the most severe anaphylactic shock to milder hives and skin conditions. If you've ever known someone who was allergic to bees, you've probably heard a good deal about what can happen with just one tiny sting.

For pollen allergies, allergy eye medicine is the best way to combat the external Eye Allergies Symptoms. Most Allergy Eye Drops for allergies contain an antihistamine that blocks the body's defensive response and lessens the symptoms. You can find a Allergy Eye Drop medicine at nearly any drug store in the country, and the great thing about these medicines is that they are easy to use and typically have only very mild side effects.

To use the eye drops, tilt your head all the way back. Hold the eyedropper bottle over one eye and then pull down the lower eyelid to expose the eyeball. When you do this, there's going to be a little pocket that forms right above the lower lid. Drop one or two drops into that pocket and then blink rapidly to spread the medication all the way around your eye socket. Repeat the procedure with the other eye.

It's important to note that the allergy eye medicine in most drops can cause a burning sensation for a few minutes after you put in the drops. This is normal, but if it doesn't fade away after a minute or two you should call your doctor immediately.

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Allergy Eye Medicine to Allergy Eye Symptoms

Allergy Eye Medicine to Protect Your Eyesight

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