Cataract Surgery Recovery
Is The Easy Part

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Your cataract surgery is over.

It is now time for Your Cataract Surgery Recovery.

You are the recipient of a new artificial lens, one of the amazing accomplishments of modern medicine!

Your cataract will never come back, and your new intraocular lens will never cloud.

If you are like the majority of individuals, you probably found that the entire Cataract Surgery experience was quicker and much easier than you expected.

Over the next few days, your eyeball will be healing.

You’ll probably have an appointment to see your eye surgeon at his or her office the morning after your operation.

This visit allows the doctor to check the condition of your eye and its intraocular pressure.

The doctor will also explain how often and how long you need to use post surgical Cataract Eye Drops. This is also a good opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have.

Your doctor will conduct only a very limited vision test during this first visit after surgery. Naturally, you’re curious about the results of your cataract surgery.

Many people needlessly worry because they aren’t seeing well immediately after surgery.

Blurred Vision and other temporary post surgical effects are common during recover.

They neither predict nor correlate with how well you’ll see after your eye has healed.

After surgery, your doctor will have given you thorough instructions for caring for your eye during the healing phase.

Whether you doctor restricts your activities depends on the type of surgery you had – LARGE or SMALL Incision.

After Small Incision Surgery:

It is more likely that you had small incision cataract surgery.

If so you will have virtually no restrictions because the time incision does not weaken the wall of the eyeball. You can resume you everyday activates right away.

After Large Incision Surgery:

If you had the less common large incision surgery, you’ll have restriction in movement and physical activity. You will need to avoid heavy lifting bending and straining for several weeks following surgery.

Don’t Compare Your Recovery To Others:

Don’t worry if you post surgery experience, including restrictions on activates following surgery, is different from that of other you know who have undergone cataract surgery.

They may have undergone a different surgical technique.

Also, don’t be concerned if your cataract surgery recovery rate is different from someone else.

Everyone heals at a different rate.

Your recovery rate is normal for you.

Some people even find differences in how their cataract surgery recovery was for each eye.

Commonly Asked Questions About Cataract Surgery Recovery:

When can I drive again?

There is no standard answer. Patients must decide for themselves at what point they see well enough to resume driving.

How soon can I take the eye text for my driver’s license?

Although some patients will be able to pass the Vision Test without glasses, it is best to wait until the final postoperative refraction and vision test is administered several weeks following surgery.

If I have cataract surgery and an IOL is inserted, can I wear contacts?

Yes. In fact, if you want to use the strategy of mono vision (one eye set for far focus, and one eye set for near focus) to avoid glasses, it is far better to accomplish this with Contact Lenses. How soon can I wear contracts after surgery?

You previous contact lens will now have the wrong prescription. By the time a new lens is prescribed and fit, it will usually be at least one month after surgery and by then, you may wear them.

I don’t like bifocals. Do I have to have them in my new eyeglasses?

As they are not for everyone over the age of 45, bifocals are simply an alternative to wearing separate glasses for distance and reading.

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Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.
Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

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Cataract Surgery Recovery to Cataract Information

Cataract Surgery Recovery to Protect Your Eyesight

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