Color Blindness Facts
There are a lot of interesting and unique
color blindness facts that really serve to bring quite a lot of useful information about color blindness to light.
First of all, the term color blindness itself can be very misleading because most people who are classified as colorblind can actually see some colors. Rather, these people are actually more color deficient than anything else. In fact, it's estimated that 99 percent of the cases that are recognized as color blindness aren't fully unable to see colors.
The reason this is so commonly thought is that when people hear the term Color Blindness, they tend to simply put the two words together based on what they know about those separate words. They think of the word color, first of all, and just pair it with what they know about blindness, which is the inability to see anything. Therefore, it stands to reasons that if somebody is colorblind they must not be able to see any color at all, resulting in a world, which is, to them, just varying shades of gray.
In reality, colorblind people just can't see as many colors as a person with normal vision. They may be unable to process the color green, red, blue, or yellow, which leads to a slightly skewed view of the world around them. The reason these people, and the disorder itself, are usually referred to simply as color blind is that it's just a lot easier to say that than it is to say color vision deficient, which is the real name of the Eyesight Disorder.
The best way to consider the color blindness facts is to look at what constitutes vision production in a normal person, and then use that to distinguish the differences among people who are color deficient. In most eyes, there are three different types of cones in The Retina. These cones are responsible for processing the colored light, which enters through the lens, and each type of cone connects to a certain color that it's responsible for handling.
When all three signals are sent to the visual cortex from these cones, they combine into one cohesive picture that carries all of the correct color signals. In people who are suffering from color vision deficiency, these cones send signals of varying strength, resulting in a mental picture that may be lacking in certain areas of color. For example, if red is not coming through as strongly, people will have a much harder time distinguishing items that are red from their surroundings, and they might not be able to pinpoint the actual color of a specific item.
That's why if you ask a colorblind person what color something is, he or she will invariably shrug and say “I'm not sure, I'm color blind.” It's not that they can't see any colors, it's just that they know that the colors they're looking at might be a little different than what you see, and that's one of the color blindness facts that a lot of people don't know.
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