Eye Care Exercises Information
Eye Care Exercises are recommended by most
Eye Care Professionals in order to maintain healthy eyesight for a long time.
Unfortunately, our eyesight tends to deteriorate with age, much like other parts of our body. However, there is much we can do to keep our eyes in good shape for a longer period.
Neglecting our eyes will only let them become weaker since the muscles will lose their tone and lead to decreased visibility. So, if you want to avoid Eye Care surgery then Eyesight Exercises will keep them healthy.
It is important to relieve Eyestrain Caused by Computers especially if you work for long hours at a computer.
To keep your eyes relaxed and refreshed you need to take frequent breaks in addition to eye exercises.
These exercises will also work on the optic nerve, thereby releasing stress on the brain. When you focus on nearby objects, the ciliary muscles tense and then relax when you look further away.
This forms the basis for any eye exercises that even has the potential to improve poor vision and maintain better Eye Care Health.
The first exercise is to sit erect with your body relaxed. Keep moving your eyes from left to right, focusing for a few seconds on some object on each side. Repeat this exercise five times.
Next, focus on an object in front of you and then move the eyes down to focus on your lap and then back again. You can repeat this five times as well.
Another effective exercise is to place your palms tightly over each eye so that no light gets through. Rest the heels of your palms on your cheekbones and breathe deeply. This is a relaxing exercise that will relieve eye tension when practiced three to five minutes.
Move your eyes in an upward motion and then downwards. Blink rapidly and then repeat the exercise from left to right. You can repeat the process around five times. When sitting at a computer, gently squeeze your eyes shut for a few seconds and them open them. This helps to stimulate the tear ducts and must be repeated at least five times.
Another exercise that strengthens the eye muscles is to hold an object at arm’s length in front of you. Move the object in a figure eight as your eyes follow it. This will let stimulate the nutrients to flow within the eyes. It also helps to improve eye coordination.
To strengthen the iris, keep a bright lamp on in your room at night. Make sure no other lights are on. Sit facing the lamp with your eyes closed. Switch the lamp on and off in time with your breathing.
Keep a pencil in your hand at arm’s length and then slowly move it towards your nose as you inhale. On exhaling, move the object back out. Repeat this tree times.
One of the easiest exercises that can be performed all the time is to focus on a near object for a few seconds and then at a distant object. Repeat this as often as you can during the day.
These daily eye care exercises will go a long way in Rebuilding Your Vision.
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Eye Care Exercises to Eye Care Information
Eye Care Exercises to Protect Your Eyesight