Do You Have a Lazy Eye?

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What is a Lazy Eye?

Have you ever heard of a lazy ear or a lazy finger?

What is unique about the visual system that permits the condition of Amblyopia or lazy eye?

The amblyopia comes from the Greek, as do many medical terms, it means dull vision.

In modern usage it generally refers to particular class of dull vision with these traits:

  • There is no detectable disease
  • The sight is not correctable with regular lenses to better that 20/40,

Overall, there are essentially two types of amblyopia.

One is caused by toxic substances such as alcohol or tobacco; the other is caused by lack of use – functional.

A detailed patient history is the best clue as to which type the person may have.

The category we are concerned with here is amblyopia “ex-anopsia” (which is Latin for lack of use.)

This functional variety makes up the majority seen in clinical practice.

On the face of it, not using an eye seems absurd.

The eye is open so it must be seeing.

Well, yes, it is seeing but not with the high resolution of central sight.

You would imagine that someone not seeing clearly with one eye would be aware of the situation and find it annoying.

However, as the old classic Gershwin song declares, “It Ain’t Necessarily So.”

When both eyes are open are you seeing with the right or left eye?

Do you see equally well with both eyes?

You might be surprised how many people have never compared the sight of their two eyes.

Patients who are being examined for the first time are often shocked when they are made aware of the difference.

It doesn’t really require that much to see unequally with each eye.

Minor variation anywhere along the path of light rays in the eye can be very significant.

For example, and increase of the length of eyeball of only 1millimeter about 1/25th of an inch can plunge visual acuity from 20 20 Eyesight to 20/400.

To deliver the best sight with true stereoscopic vision, the two eyes much work together in tight balance.

What do you suppose would happen if something interferes with those balances?

Can the amblyopic or Lazy Eye condition be overcome?

Generally it can, depending on the cause and accompanying complication, but it demands a lot of persistence.

Testing must first be done to determine the exact Vision Problem.

Cross Eye and amblyopia of long duration are impeding entanglements to successful resolution.

Treatment strategies will depend on the outcome of testing and usually follow four routes:

  1. Correction of the sight problem with glasses or contact lenses.
  2. Some type of concentrated stimulation (therapy) to the macula of the amblyopic lazy eye.
  3. If an eye is turned, straightening it.
  4. Building an enforcing binocular, stereoscopic vision if possible to keep the eyes working together.

The last three steps require diligent work by you.

The longer the problem has existed, the more difficult the remediation.

If you remember nothing else, engrave this in your memory.

An amblyopic doesn’t cure itself.

Children don’t grow out of this Eyesight Disorder; they grow more severely into it.

Early detection is the best way to avoid additional troubles.

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Lazy Eye to Eye Diseases

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