Color Blindness Tests

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Color blindness tests are currently considered the best way to tell whether or not someone is color blind, but remember that although they may be very accurate, they're not completely infallible.

This is especially true if you are taking a color blindness test online, because your computer's color resolution will be a large part of the actual results you get. If the colors on your computer are off, you might actually be able to pass a Test For Color Blindness , even if you have a slight color vision deficiency. For the most part though, color blindness tests are pretty accurate, and you should be able to at least get an idea of where you stand with the whole color vision deficiency.

It's surprising, but a lot of people aren't even aware that they have a color deficiency. Color Blindness isn't the best term for this, because the very words suggest that someone who is colorblind can't see any colors at all.

The impression happens because a blind person can't see at all, so if you combine that with color it may seem like the person can't see colors at all. The correct term for Color Blindness is color vision deficiency, but the majority of people just refer to it as Color Blindness because, both because they may not know that it's incorrect and because it's just basically a lot easier to say.

For all intents and purposes though, Color Blindness and color vision deficiency mean the exact same thing. By saying deficiency, you leave your mind open to a wide range of levels of deficiency, which is the way it actually is. In fact, some people are so slightly deficient that it's never even detected.

The idea is that if it is so slight, there's really no reason you need to know that you are deficient any way. Something like that has absolutely no detrimental effect on the way you live, and indeed even people with a severe color vision deficiency can easily learn to live normal lives. Unlike being blind, you can still see other things. In fact, being colorblind has often been compared to the way the world looks just before the sun starts to come up.

There's enough light to see everything around you, but the colors are muted, and are usually just a general wash of yellows and oranges. Imagine sun coming up as a way to picture the different levels of deficiency that you can test for with color blindness tests; the higher it rises, the more colors you are able to distinguish, until finally it's all the way up and your color vision is perfect.

Tests For Color Blindness usually implement different colors placed closely together to determine whether or not the person can tell the difference between them. The Ishihara test, the most famous of all the color blindness tests, uses a cluster of dots all of one color, with a series of dots in the middle that shape a number in a different color. If you can't see the number, you have a color vision deficiency.

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