Cataract Laser Surgery Information

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Cataract laser surgery is a type of medical procedure used to treat patients who have suffered clouding of the eye's crystalline lens.

However, laser treatment is currently not used to remove the original clouded lens—This is a process that can only be done via medical incision, and cataract laser surgery devices made to remove the original cataract have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Instead, Laser Eye Surgery is only used for the restoration of clear vision after the original cataract has already been removed. This procedure is known as posterior capsulotomy.

The reason why this Laser Eye Treatment is often needed is because sometimes, following the removal of a patient's crystalline lens; vision can still remain obstructed almost as if the Cataract were still there.

A transparent layer called the capsule surrounds the lens of the human eye. After Cataract Surgery has been carried out, the back of this lining usually stays intact. This is advantageous because the remains of the capsule can help by acting as a foundation to support the replacement lens that is added during the initial cataract surgery.

However, the film of the capsule can sometimes become clouded itself, and this is where posterior capsulotomy steps into play.

For some, this clouding and wrinkling of the posterior capsule is merely a natural part of the healing process following cataract surgery. However, it remains problematic because of the way it obscures vision. In the event that this does happen, laser treatment is often necessary to clear up the patient's vision.

It is a relatively simple process, actually; since it's usually not necessary to completely remove the capsule lining itself, it's just a simple matter of creating a small hole in its center, making it so that the patient's vision so they no longer have Blurred Vision.

What happens is the ophthalmologist directs a focused laser beam onto the center of the capsules clouded membrane, carving a tiny opening so as to allow light to freely pass through to the patient's Retina.

The process is normally quick and painless (lasting only a few minutes, with eye drops used to numb the eye) and the patient should notice improvement in their vision within hours of the procedure.

Posterior capsulotomy is usually only required months or even years following the removal of the original Cataract .

Those in need of the procedure will begin to notice various difficulties with their eyesight, ranging from Myopia also known as “nearsightedness” or “short sightedness” to troublesome glare in their vision when in contact with bright lights.

This straightforward process of using Laser Vision Corrective Surgery of the capsule has led many people to believe that lasers carry out the majority of the Cataract Treatment alone.

However, many believe that it won't be too long from now before the full process of removing the clouded ocular lens can be done primarily by means of the Best Laser Eye Surgery and devices for such eye treatments are still in development.

In fact, as recently as 2009, the Food and Drug Administration approved research of femtosecond laser technology to create incisions in the eye with short, precise bursts of light. With true cataract laser surgery on the horizon, surgery for those suffering from cataracts should become even quicker and safer than before.

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Learn which eye vitamins naturally improve eye health. The Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula was designed to improve vision and eye health, and help people with Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

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Cataract Laser Surgery to Laser Eye Surgery

Cataract Laser Surgery to Protect Your Eyesight

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