Green Color Blindness Information

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The two most common types of color blindness are red and green color blindness, accounting for more than 99% of all of the people who have been diagnosed with this condition.

Being colorblind is not necessarily a tragedy, since it has very little effect on your day-to-day life in your home or workplace. Red and green color blindness is caused through a genetic link. The gene is hidden inside the X chromosome, which is dominant in males most of the time, and so men are much more likely to receive this condition from their relatives.

Interestingly enough, the gene usually skips a generation before it becomes prevalent, meaning that a grandchild is more likely to get it from his grandfather than his father. Even more interesting, the generation that the trait skips is usually a female. For example, if your grandfather had red green color blindness, he most likely passed the trait down through his daughter.

This daughter, or your mother, had the dormant trait her entire life without ever noticing it, and then passed the gene down to you. This skipping of generations is very common in a lot of genetic diseases and medical conditions. Luckily, Color Blindness is not very serious, and some people even consider it a blessing, depending on whom you talk to.

Most of the information about Color Blindness that we have today came from a man named John Dalton, a scientist who was colorblind himself, which led him to devote his work to understanding the affliction and what Causes of Color Blindness.

Through a series of Color Blindness Tests , Dalton was able to conclude that for whatever reason he couldn't see the red wavelength of light. Colors are simply light in different wavelengths. You can see this when you look at a rainbow. The light is refracted in such a way that makes it visible to the human eye. Normally, you would see a reflection of this wavelength when it bounced off an object. The reason a leaf is green is because it absorbs all other color and reflects the green wavelength. When you are color blind, the cells in your Retina don't react the way they should to a certain wavelength, most commonly the ones for red and green.

If you have protanopia, you can't see the red wavelength at all; this is known as red color blindness. If you are diagnosed with protanomaly, it's pretty much the same thing except you can still see some red colors; this is known as red weakness. If you have deuteranopia, you aren't able to see the color green rather than red; this is commonly referred to as green color blindness.

And deuteranomaly, as you may have guessed, is a difficulty seeing green light, even though you can still see some hues and brightnesses; this is known as green weakness. Someone who has Red Green Color Blindness may have any combination of these four classifications, and when combined they make it difficult to distinguish the colors red and green.

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