Testing For Color Blindness Information

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Testing for color blindness is usually as easy as looking for a color blindness charts online. Color blindness is a fairly prevalent condition in the United States, although we don't have a lot of statistics for how common it is in other countries and among other demographics.

Most of the people who are color blind are white males, and although we know why males are typically effected, there's not enough data at the moment to determine whether it's any more significantly prevalent among Caucasians than anybody else.

Color Blindness is a hereditary condition, meaning that it's passed from one person to the next through their genes. It's impossible to give Color Blindness to somebody else because it's not contagious. The only person you will be able to give Color Blindness to would be your son.

Typically only men are afflicted by Color Blindness, although it's estimated that at least 0.5 percent of women in the United States have it as well. Vision Color Blindness is passed through the X sex chromosome, which means that it is usually only dominant in males.

Despite this, it's still possible for a woman to carry the Color Blindness Genetics , although it's usually going to be recessive for her entire life. That still won't stop her from passing it along to her children, and if any males happen to receive that gene as a dominant gene, they will be struck with color vision deficiency.

Testing for color blindness used to be a lot harder before we had as much information about the condition, but now it's incredibly easy. The best way to Test For Color Blindness is to take the Ishihara test . Although you may not recognize the name, you'll surely recognize the test. Although, if you aren't sure if you're color blind or not, then maybe you've never seen the test either.

A simple search for Color Blindness Test online will bring up plenty of results. The Color Blindness Tests are a series of circles. Each series is a different color and consists of dozens of tiny mottled dots placed close together. The predominant part of the circle is one or two hues of the same color, but in the middle is a number made out of different colored dots. For example, most of the circle might be green but the number itself would be a combination of red hues.

There are a total of 38 different plates used when testing for color blindness with the Ishihara vison test , and as you go on the plates get progressively harder, allowing an Eye Care Professional or Eye Care Specialist to test for different levels of color blindness.

The test works similarly to a normal eye chart that you would use to test regular vision. You start with one plate, and move your way through them, as they get progressively harder, and simply name the number that you see in the middle of each circle. If you can't see a number, you most likely have some form of color blindness deficiency, because the two different colors appear to be the same hue.

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Testing For Color Blindness to Color Blindness Test Charts

Testing For Color Blindness to Protect Your Eyesight

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